Monday 23 March 2015

Whanau Breakfast

Have you ever had breakfast at school before?
Room Two invited their whanau to breakfast in our new school kitchen.
To help get ready Room Two set the table.We needed a bread plate, bowl, spoon and a knife.
By Nikao

Have you ever had breakfast at school?
I had Weetbix in the new kitchen.
Nevaehs mum made my breakfast and I ate it all up.
By Shania
Have you ever had breakfast at school before?
Room 2 had a big breakfast in the new kitchen.
We ate cornflakes and it was yummy.
We had bagels too.
But if you put to much jam on the bagels 
it will taste yuck!
By Ngatokorua
Have you ever had Weetbix for breakfast at school?
I had Weetbix for breakfast with my mum.
She made my breakfast.
She put milk in my cereal bowl.
I enjoyed my breakfast.
It tasted yummy.
By Nevaeh
Have you had breakfast at school?
I have.
My nana and sister came to school
and we had breakfast together.
By Paul
Have you ever been to the new kitchen?
I had breakfast in the new kitchen with my dad.
We ate cornflakes.
I liked them.
It was fun.
By Lusia
I had breakfast at school with my mum.
By Hoterene
Have you ever had breakfast at school?
I did and it was yummy.
I had Weetbix.
I like going to the kitchen.
By Maria
Have you ever had breakfast in the new kitchen?
I have.
First we set the table.
We set out the bread plate, bowl, spoon and butter knife.
The table looked amazing.
My brother came with me and we had Weetbix and fruit.
We had bagels too.
Then we coloured a competition for healthy eating.
By Kaati
Have you ever had breakfast at school before?
My nana came to school and had breakfast in the new kitchen.
I helped lay the tablecloth and set the table. 
Then Nana and I had some Weetbix.
By Carlynne

Have you ever had breakfast at school before?
My mum and sister went to the new kitchen with me 
and we ate some yummy food.
I ate Weetbix and my sister had Weetbix too.
Mum ate cornflakes.
I had a yummy bagel.
By Nikao
Have you ever had breakfast in the new kitchen?
I had breakfast with my friends in the new kitchen. 
My nana and sister came too.
I ate cornflakes and Nana had Weetbix.
It was my first time eating cornflakes.
We had a fun morning.
By Jasinta
Have you ever had breakfast at school before?
My nana, baby sister and I had breakfast 
in the new kitchen.
I had cornflakes.
By Lorike
Have you ever been to the school kitchen to have breakfast?
My mum came to have breakfast with me at school.
It was the first time I had rice bubbles.
By Mirahkle

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